A facility in Harrisburg PA is looking for Locum CRNA Coverage
- Need additional external CRNAs to cover 8 hour day shifts & occasional nights. There will be occasional needs for longer shifts.
- Estimated Shifts/Month: Up to Full time (candidates need to have minimum of 5 days/month availability)
M-Sun availability is ideal. Can talk through availability and proposed schedule during interview with the site - 7a-3p day shifts
- Possible opportunity to pick up additional shifts, nights, etc.
Typical OR days | Hospital has ~40-60 cases per day.
7am staff start, 7:23 wheels in room, turnover 17-22 min (case dependent), days begin to pyramid down after 1, but several consistently through 7/11pm.
*CRNAs work under medical direction
Not interested in local locum candidates. Candidates home address should not be from within 40 miles of Harrisburg hospital. Please confirm on presentation.
*Harrisburg is not a trauma center
*Generally, 18 targeted locations per day or more | the site covers 20 OR, 3 L&D OR, 2 EP OR, 1 GI lab, 1 TEE/CV lab, 1 MRI location, 2 IR locations.
*Staff mix: The concurrency is 3:1 or 4:1 (target 3:1 due to size, locations, and acuity). Physicians also do some rooms independently. Everyone works together. Anesthesia techs 1:4 locations, very helpful (they check machines, set up lines, etc).
All subspecialties. General, thoracic, cardiothoracic, transplant (renal), neuro, ortho, GI/GU, GYN, endo, cardiac interventional/EP, high census high acuity OB/L&D, neuro interventional, robotics, overflow trauma (not a designated trauma center).
*CRNAs do lines, epidurals and spinals, if they have a history of completing them
*~3 CRNAs work overnight and handle airways, answer codes
For more information reach out to: