Locum Trauma/General Surgery APP
Altoona, PA
Looking for APPs for trauma center that covers emergency general surgery.
Need immediate and ongoing coverage.
Shifts are 12 hours: 7am to 7pm or 7pm to 7am.
We would like to have a 5 to 7 day stretch for each assignment, but will consider 3-4 days at a clip.
Responds to trauma activations daily rounds progress notes H&Ps and discharge summaries
20-35 inpatient per day/night
Need Day and Night shift coverage.
Shifts are 12 hr days, want providers to cover 5 to 7 day stretches.
Day: 7a-7p
Night: 7p-7a
Typical cases: Falls, MVC, MCC (major complication or Comorbidity)
Procedures: appys, choley, ex lap, hernia repairs
EMR: Cerner
Hourly rate: 120/hour
Housing, Travel, Rental Car, Malpractice all Covered!
For more info, reach out to: